# Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

In early 2018, we introduced OKRs, a management process created at Intel and later adopted by Google. Each quarter, we set team and individual OKRs. Here’s a quick overview.

Objectives are what the organization or individual wants to accomplish, and are typically qualitative or subjective. Examples include:

  • Improve WRE organic traffic
  • Delight our current customers
  • Build an engaged and dynamic workplace culture

Key Results are concrete, specific and measurable. They should describe how you will accomplish the objective and measure whether you are on track, behind, or at risk of accomplishing an objective. Using the same same Objectives above, some Key Results (KR) might include:

# Objective: Improve White Rabbit Express organic traffic
  • KR: Create 5 alternatives-to landing pages in English
  • KR: Create 20 landing pages or blog posts in English and French
  • KR: Localize 75 pages in Spanish, German or Portuguese
# Objective: Delight our current customers
  • KR: Get a Net Promoter Score of 50 or better
  • KR: Keep our Help Scout Happiness Score above 93%
  • KR: Get 100 new positive customer reviews on Trustpilot
# Objective: Build an engaged and dynamic workplace culture
  • KR: Monthly employee happy hour activity, suggested by employees KR: Company Pulse Check score of 4 or higher in 15Five

Learn more with Google's guide to ORKs

Last Updated: 1/24/2020, 6:18:40 AM